it was kind of weird to go in to the city for the first time last week. ever since i have been in argentina the only things i have seen were dirt roads and makeshift brick houses it was weird to see buildings with tons of windows like a normal building. and we drove by river on our way to immigration and i took a picture of the ships masts. its crazy because buenos aires is next to a fiver and not the ocean but the river is gigantic, we couldnt see the other side from where we were. anyways, we have like three people here that are basically ready to be baptized but the cant becuase of some little things. and that is kind of my first experience with satan trying to prevent these people from being baptized. one investigator has been sick for the last few weeks, another we need to get the signatures of her parents but they are never home and when they are they never want to talk with us, and lastly we have one that lives somewhere else but always come to our ward but because he doesnt live in the ward he cant be baptized here. its kind of annoying that we have been helping them so much but we have just kind of hit a wall but we just need to work around that and get them baptized no matter what.
when we first got here president carter told us that we were going to lose weight but i am not sure if i have. we walk all day but we eat so much for lunch, most days i can barely eat all they give me to eat, and then in a ton of our lessons people offer us food, they eat a whole lot of bread here to if you dont have bread you are not eating a real meal. so im not sure if i have gained weight or lost any but i am feeling good. beside the fact that i think i am alergic to argentina every day at times i just have sneezing attacks and i cant stop sneezing for like 5 minutes. hopefully that will go away. and its kind of weird that this city is huge but you can actually see a lot of stars wich is weird cause in salt lake you cant see any and its a lot smaller. also i think that in the states you can see venus in the early morning but here we always see it when it starts to get dark, i dont know if its different or if i just never noticed seeing venus in the states. i think thats all for this week, i will send you some pictures too. i love you
love elder baer
these are facturas they are basically donuts. this one is dulce de leche its my favorite