It was super awesome to be able to go to a sealing the other week the things the sealer said and the prayer and everything was so awesome. And it really is something really special. well its good that everything is going well back home sounds like you had a good time boating. I dont know but the other day we walked by the gas station in our area and i really miss going to the gas station to fill up the car i never thought that would be something i missed but oh well its weird sometimes the things that we do everday and then we stop dong them all of a sudden and its weird. Sounds like Jacob is doing good. Being the smart aleck senior kind of like i was. I guess that's normal. well i this week was tough for me. my companion is really starting to get on my nerves. we have been together for about 2 months and i am really starting to notice the differences that we have. mostly cultural background i try to not let it bother me but he always wasn't to argue things with me and its always about stuff that happened in the past and i had nothing to do with and for some reason its my fault they happened but whatever. its my decision if i get angry and i try to not let it bother me. well that's about it not much happened this week because my companion was sick to so we stayed in the apartment a lot and i made use of the time to read the Book of Mormon in Spanish. i am in 2 Nephi right now in the Isaiah chapters and i don't understand anything but hopefully it will help me to read the Book of Mormon all the way through in Spanish. Well thats all i got this week. i hope you have a good week. Te amo muchisimo.
Love elder baer
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