Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Lexie - April 20, 2015

The area has NOTHING rightnow. Zero investigadors and they just visit the memebrs a ton and thats a godo thing but holy smokes we need people to teach. So the hunt starts today! So get this, comitan is COLD! Well not cold obviously I am still in a tshirt haha but Im not sweating for the first time in 6 months! And its actually cold at night. We have to heat up our water to shower every day. Well dump buckets of water on us every day ha. Anyways, I am going to go shoopping for rain boots today and finally get to use my jacks and sweaters! thats pretty exciting! I probably have lots more to share but I dont remember. Oh! When i was in themissionhouse on friday president gave me a couple books. I sat in bed and read allllll day. For like 7 hours straight. I read believing christ and life stories by presidente faust. Believing Christ is Amazing and if you have never read it go do it like right now! There is a part that totally remindedme of you! It talks about how when we say keep the comandments it makes it sound like we are never going to fail, but obviously we are going to fail from time to time, Itreminded of when we went to deseret book and you saw a book mark that said I will alawys keep the comandments and you flipped it around and said no you wont! Lol funny that I remember that huh. But I am super grateful that I have a mom that understands that and helps us know its ok not to be perfect, we should always try! But mistakes happen and there is a way to fix them. Thank you for teaching me that. I love you tons. And I hope my birthday is somewhat exciting I guess we will see what happens lol. Tomorrow we have a meeting with pres. george in san cristobal so I will try and takepictures. they say its anawesome place. Have a great week and thanks for all the news! (Lexie was super sick this week....she says she is doing better now.)

Love, Hermana Baer

Last night with Hermana Ruvalcaba. She is WONDERFUL!

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