Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Lexie - April 6, 2015

Wow I am writing late today, we had TONS to do and are finishing with emailing! Hopefully I can catch you online maybe? I guess we will see! We have one more week of this transfer and one of the sisiters is heading home. She is from Korea! But moved to Utah about 5 years ago and then got called to mexico lol. So she just learned her third language crazy huh! But our presidente gave us permision to eat together with our district today! It was super fun and my companion and I went to the church early this morning and made cupcakes! Good thing Tyrel sent me a cake mix and frosting for valentines day!

This week went good. Super fast and everyone is one vacation so NO ONE is home. They are all at the beach which I will never see even though it is 15 minutes from our house. Grr. Anyways, I also loved conference and I liked the hearing th music talk too! I was going to tell you that! I also really like Elder Hollands talk. It helped me realize a couple things I was thinking about on Sunday and helped a lot. He is super fun to listen to. I was going to tell you too, I read an article in the liahonna that I LOVE. Its called being weak isnt a sin. I think that sometimes in the mission we have so many goals and so many things to work on and do that sometimes we get lost and feel a little burried. Sometimes I do that at home too, when I just plan wayyyy too many things. I was feeling a little bit like that this week with everything we had planned to do and that article helped me a lot. It is super cool. Go read it!

I LOVE cates pictures, goodness she is so talanted! I cant wait to go watch her compete when I get home! Can you believe in like a month We will be calling home again? I feel like christmas was yesterday and now all the sudden I am going to be an old lady. Especially because my companion explained to me that when we have a birthday we are FINISHING a year. So i am really finishing my 22 year of life and starting my 23. That just freaks me out! Anyways, everything is realy fast today so I will write you more if I have time. I love you sooooooo much!

Love, Hermana Baer

Oh dear, PS, I hate to eat hamburgers 3 times this week. Everytime with mayo and once with ketchup drippppppping off the edges, ugh. It was difficult. But I managed! Love you!

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