Monday, December 29, 2014

Tayler - December 28, 2014

Well not really anything else happend after talking to you guys so i will probably keep this pretty short. I will send you pictures of our christmas dinner too. The only thing that happened this week was in church i was teaching the gospel principles class and ight as it finished the councelor of the branch president came in and told me that i had to give a talk in sacrament meeting. my companion had already been told like at the begining of church so he had a little heads up so i had about 20 minutes to prepare a talk. So i talked about conversion and about how we can become converted and i read the story f how alma and the sons of mosiah and the story of how the father of king lamoni got converted i ended up with about a 13 minute talk so i think it went very well i dont get nervous or nothing anymore if i have to get up and give a talk the good thing about being a missionary is that basically you can talk about whatever and all the people think that your are talking like you know alot when in reality i just explained a few scriptures but it was very good. well thats about it i love you and i really enjoyed seeing you guys too.

Love Elder Baer


mate i bought from a guy in the park

Lexie - December 28, 2014

That was about the weirdest christmas of my whole life! Not going to lie I never actually felt like we were in christmas. Christmas season or anything. But thank goodness Heavenly Father knew I could only make it through one without my mom! Next year we will be the lone ducks! How weird! First and foremost. OH MY GOSH. on Christmas eve this is how it went down. We ate breakfast, cake at 11, Lunch at 330, dinner at 6 and dinner again at 8. And nothing about food is small here.

The day after christmas I ate the worst thing of my mission. Tofu tostadas smothered in ketchup. UGH! I ate as fast as I could. And on top of that i really didnt feel great to my stomache that night. Ugh my mouth does not like ketchup. That has not changed! But i am a good missionary and ate it all with a smile on my face! It was so funny at the same house, they have 2 little boys that are crazy and just scream and say bad words while we are there. We are working on that. But I was helping one of them say the prayer and he left me mid prayer so I just swtitched to the other one and we finished. Too funny! Oh and the member who we went to see to call you gave us a christas present! 4 lip liners! I do not even use make up hardly ever sooooo we will esee what happens with those but its the thought that counts! They are a really awesme family. They got baptized as a family a year ago and are working on goingg to the temple. So the fun continues. After callig on christmas we were walking in the street and a drunk man on his horse said (lindura de mujer, mil besos! ) Just abuot fell off his horse making kissing sounds. I hear those about 5 times a day. It amazes me somedays how bold the people here are lol.

Alright so here is the low down on the work this week. We had such a hard week and really need to find new people. My companion is so frustrated and so am i. We are working good together still! But this area is just not going anywhere. We realized the other day, she has been here for 5 months and of the more than 2000 people she has conatcacted in the street here no one has been baptized. Just so you know the missionaries SHOULD NOT find the people to teach. The members should. They are the people that know who really is prepared to hear the gospel. Sure we can find people street contacting but the really success is in member references. Dont be afraid to give references to the missionaries! They will be sooooo happy! So we are working on that and hopefully we can find some things to make this area better. Oh one more funny thing. Yesterday we were teaching a lesson to a member famiy and they were trying to remember the word great apostocy. So they were guessing and one of the daughters said Genocide! hahaha, no not called genocide. It was so funny. Anyways, I think that is about it. Love you tons! I hope you are online to chat and I want to see a picture of your earings! Talk to you soon! Love you!

Love, Hermana Baer

The reason I am getting fat! Tayler do they have these where your at?

MTC companion sighting!

Part of my area. And yes those are banana trees with the big leaves behind me!

Lexie - December 22, 2014

Holy Moly. What a week! I am stressed beyond measure in this very moment and holy moly I finally got somthing sent home and I will never do it again! That was the most stressful thing. Everything is way more complicated than it needs to be here and it just about destroys my stress levels. Anyways! With that send there is a package going home lol. Nothing exciting, mostly just letters.

Ok here is my week in a nutshell. I will tell more thursday. We had a beautiful baptism on saturday at 8 in the morning! We are so happy and I will send a picture. Her name is montsey. She is the family that the parents arent married so the mom cant be baptized yet. The dad has been inactive basically his whole life. Also I bought tampons this week. 80 pecos for a box of 18! That is something like 8 bucks! Isnt that ridiculous! No one uses them here and no one knows how. It is kind of weird. We sand with the family of that daughter that got baptised at our ward christmas dinner on thrusday. The dad had to be rudolph and oh dear he was kind of dancing like a stripper. I was dying. So I have that video to share one day! And now I konw rudolph in spanish! lol. We made a photo booth for the ward part and it wasa AWESOME! Pictures to come! There was a murder around the corner from our house, so that is pretty intense. No worries. My companion is about as lock happy as grandpa so we are safe and sound in our house! We found a family that has 10 kids this week. We are going to see them tonight so I hope all goes well. And we had an acitivty with president george on saturday as well. More pictures to come. That is everything quick! We are short on time today but I will send more If I have time. Love you tons!

Love, Hermana Baer
See you soon!

President George had to give us shots. No idea what it was but it went well lol.
We were in the angel choir for our christmas performance. Good thing the bishop let me use the table cloth for the sacrament becasue I did not have anything white to use!

So we havent caught any rats lately. The last one was the one I killed with a broom. But we are catching little nasty lizards that are all over in the houses and cockroaches. Delicious huh. What a way to die!


Tayler - December 22, 2014

This week was really good but it still doesnt feel like christmas here it is just so dang hot. and it rains alot but what are yu going to do. On wendsday we had a christmas meeting with the whole mission. And we sang christmas carols and played that game where everyone has a candy and they read the story and pass the candys to the left or the right. after that we ate lunch we had chicken wich was yummy and after that we had a spiritual part of the meeting. there was a choir and they sang lots of songs about christ. It was more about jesus than christmas and it was very good. after that we watched the movie Ephraims Rescue wich if you havent seen you need to it was really good. my companion told me it is kind of like 17 miracles but i never saw that either. then on saturday we had our branch christmas dinner wich was fun we played soccer and pingpong and ate lots of chicken so that was fun. then yesterday we went to help our recent converts because they were cutting grass yesterday with machetes so i cut some lawn with a machete wich was crazy and then we were playing soccer with them and i twisted my ankle so it kind of hurts right now but basicaly that was my week it was very good also we went to the temple with a family on thursday but we got there late and they didnt let us come into the waiting room but thats ok. well i think thats it i love you

Christmas Tree...

...and on christmas eve we are going to spend with a family in the branch they are going to cook a whole pig on the parrilla wich is what they use to cook meat here. it is the same thing they cooked the chicken on it is just like a grill but they use charcoal and wood and stuff and it makes it taste super good so we are excited about that.

Tayler - December 15, 2014

well this week went by really fast and we have transfers this wednsday so we will see if i will be leaving of staying to tell you the truth i dont know what is going to happen. but this week we did a lot of service with one family we are helping them build more on top of there house but here they just build with brick and cement so its not quite the same. also on tuesday there was a huge storm. i was on the bus going back to my apartment and then it started raining super hard and it was super windy and they cut the electricity in our apartment for like a day because lots of power poles and trees fell over and the wires broke so that was kind of crazy we got super wet too cause we had to walk like 4 blocks from where we got off the bus until we got home so we got really wet. and then saturday we were with our recent convert family and it was a nice day and then we just saw huge black clouds coming and it started raining super hard and we had to take cover in their house for like 30 minutes to wait for the storm to pass. but they only have like a tin roof so the rain and the little bit of hail was super loud in their we couldnt talk to anyone for the whole time. and basically that is what happend this week. no one came to church with us so that was disapointing and we dont really have any investigators still so we need to work on that.

Love elder baer

Lexie - December 15, 2014

Greetings from a really weird week. Not really. Just kind of slow. It felt like we couldn't find ANYONE at home. But the week ended wonderful yesterday because one of our investigadors accepted her baptism date for this saturday! So we are getting ready for that and very excited. Her name is Montsey and is 13. She is in the family that we have been teaching that the dad is a member. But him and the mom aren't married so she cant be baptized yet. And their youngest turns 8 in march so maybe I will still be here for her baptism. We will see! But I am very excited for them.

So I have had a week full of realizing things. It has been pretty cool but two things in particular. One, we have shared a lot about faith with people this week. What it means and how faith is an action word. We know that faith without works is dead. Anyways. I have realized that sometimes we say prayers for things but we dont do our part. I think I have done that a lot in my life. Asked for help with things but not wanted to actually change what I was doing in my life. So now I know why it doesnt work! Goodnesss something so simple but a lightbulb went off in my head. Also I was studying this week about the difference between a testimony and conversion. You should read the two definitions in the bible dictionary. it is crazy how different they really are. My comp. and I talk a lot about how people fall away from the church. We teach a lot of people that are inactive and something I hae realized is that plenty of people say they have a testimony. That they know it is true and that is what a testimony is. A knowledge of a truth. But conversion is the action and I know now that if we are not acting on our testimony we lose it. That is what happens when we decide not to go to church or read our scriptures or pray. We are not acting on our conversion which is a process not something you just get. It has been really good for me to study and I am feeling so blessed for this opportunity to strengthen my testimony but always progress in my conversion in the gospel. I hope you hae a wonderul week! I am SO excited to SEE you!

Love, Hermana Baer

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Lexie - December 7, 2014

Hola mamita!

Today is the first day of this transfer and whooopie! I get to be with Hermana Agustin again! We are way excited to have another cambio together and keep working hard. I love working with her. Holy moly that is a gnarly incision! Hopefully it is starting to feel better already. I am sure it is, Gordon is a miracle worker! It was a good week here. A little slow, it was hard to find people in their houses BUT! we did get to watch the christmas devotional! I loved the Oh come all ye faithful! It was way awesome. It was in spanish so I wouldnt say I got the gist of every message but what i did understand was really good lol. Some times the voice overs for things like that are so fast it is hard to catch everything. That and all the apostles and everyone speak in really formal english lol. So it transfers into big fancy words that no one uses here! I am feeling fine. No more stomache issues thank goodness! I am sure something I ate just went down bad. All the water we drink here is from big jugs that we buy in the stores from water purifying places so I dont think it was that. But I have been drinking lots of the electrolite drinks that they ahve here (not gadorade) the strong stuff lol. Just to make sure I dont get sick again.

It is begining to look a lot like christas! Haha not. It is soooooo hot. 100 degrees and humid just does not speak christmas to me lol. But I am sure all will go well. There are some fun plans for a missionary choir one night, and also our ward will have a christmas dinner that I am pretty excited about. This really is a really fun ward. Other than that... Oh i remember! This was funny. We continue to catch rats in the traps in our house. Way fun right? But it is the sticky traps so they are still alive. Usually we just chuck them out side and they die in the sun but I decided the other day to take it outside and wack it with the broom until It died. My companion that I was a psycho but I decided I would rather get hit in the head than baked in an oven to die. Wouldnt you agree? Not sure which is more humane but the little dude is dead now lol. I hope you have a wonderful week! I cannot believe how close we are to christmas! I cannot even wait! Love you tons! thank you for all that you do for me and always remember what the spirit of christmas really is! My advice would be, you and jake should give away some more book of mormons! But that is just a thought! We recieve the cards for he is the gift last week one wedensday and have been giving them out. I just watched the video on and it is really good. Thank you for letting me know about it! I will talk to you soon! Have a wonderful week and a quick recovery!

Love, Hermana Baer


Tayler - December 7, 2014

well i am feeling better. here in this area it has been a little different than in my first area. usually avery 2 weeks i get sick so its getting to be pretty normal. it might be the water, we have a rule that we cant drink the water but sometimes we end up drinking it anyway wich is probalby not good and that is probably why i am getting sick more in this area than in my other area. and we did not watch the christmas devotional i forgot all a bout that and i dont think they really have that here because i didnt here anything about that.but yes i know elder christofferson was here because we had a meeting with him wich was very cool.but its really weird here it doesnt feel like christmas at all. it is super hot and there is no snow so it just feels weird.  well also this week i finished jesus the christ it took me about a month to read and it is super good. i love how it explains everything that jesus said and did so it makes a lot more sense. i loved that book. well thats all i got just make sure you get the time set up for skype, i love you and have a good week and i hope your knee gets better.

Love elder Baer

Lexie - December 1, 2014

First off, favorite christmas memory. Hmm. Idk if I have a favorite. I will always remember when Tayler blew the trump horn thing off of Grandmas tree in my ear and I about died my ear hurt so bad. I think christmas is always special because we get to be at grandmas. I already know that it isnt really going to feel like christmas here (literally since it is like 100 degrees still) But more than anything it is weird to think that one day we wont all be together at grandmas for christmas with oranges in our stockings. I guess we will have to see what happens! Weird to think it will probably just be you and me next year! Jake and I are going to trade spots lol. It was a wonderful week here! We had so many lessons and worked so hard to complete all of the normas de excelencia that we have for our mission. Everything went well and then almost no one came to church so that was a bummer. It is really hard to motivate others about how important church is but we have several ideas so hopefully this week goes better. One of them is explaining the different classes and what we do. I think a lot of people have fear of what people do in churches, and like they dont belong. I have been working on reading the New Testemant a little bit with my personal study and I love the part (that I believe is probably in several chapters lol )But I like how it is put in Mark 2:17 The church isnt a place for people who are perfect. Church is like a hospital for sinners! The only way to feel better is by attending. I love this and it is important to remember not only for those who arent attending right now but for those that are attending. Not a single person is perfect no matter what position they hold. We all have the same goal in mind and we are going to stumble and fall every second trying to reach it. But the amazing this is that we have church and the people there to help pull us back up when we fall, not to laugh when we fall. Our wards and branches should be a huge family congratulating the triumphs and giving comfort when we fall. NOT a place to point fingers.

We had some really great experiences this week and I love my area. Last night we had a missionary acitity in our stake and all the missionaries in our stake (about 20 of us) Sang army of heleman with parts in spanish and parts in english. We might not have sounded so pretty but the spirity was so strong. I find something new every day to be grateful for and am so excited for a new weeek! This is the last week of this transfer and we are going to hope and pray my companion sticks around for another one! She wants to as well! We work so hard together and have laughed so much. She bought a dress for 10 pecos the other day and was laughing so hard because she couldnt zip it over her boobs so I said let me try it! And i couldnt get it over my hips lol Opposite problems! I bought 3 skirts this week! ill send you a picture in one. It is super cute! I bought a nice grandma skrit for 20 pecos too! I have used it once this week. It is super comfy lol. We bought it where they sell clothes like DI style but the clothes are just in huge heaps and you have to search for what you want lol. It is funny because all the clothes have goodwill tags. I wonder how that all works? Anyways, I love you tons! Have an amazing week and holy moly it is DECEMBER! Love you!

Love, Hermana Baer

Tayler - December 1, 2014

sounds like you had a good week. and i hope you feel good from your surgery. and yeah we have the pass along cards and i have seen the video of the church. we are supposed to really focus on that and sharing the true meaning of christmas. we watched the video in the house of a member and it was really good. also they made another video during like easter this year i dont know if you have seen it it is called i think thanks to him the spanish name is gracias a él so that should be the translation. so yeah we had a very busy weekend this weekend. we had one baptism on saturday and another on sunday and also 3 confirmations in the church and i gave a talk in sacrament meeting. and it all went really good. the talk was what made me the most stresed but the time flied i felt like i talked for 5 minutes but before i knew it the branch president go up and told me my time was done and i talked for about 15 minutes that was crazy. i am pretty sure the gift of tongues was doing its work because i dont really remember a thing i said. so that was this weekend i will send you pictures of the baptism last week and the 2 this week. i hope you have a good week. i love you and it would be easier if you set up a skype for me but you need to talk to dad this week so i can plan a time to talk also im not really sure what time difference it is right now because of daylight savings stuff so if you can figure that out too that would be good.

Love elder Baer

also i thought the other day i found a house that said familia baer on the outside so we went to go and contact it but it was actually familia baez wich was disapointing and no one was home anyway.